Tuesday, May 22, 2012

new piece, dinner shot, confession, almost died

 This piece is two inches tall. Whatever variety it is, Rosewood or some exotic cherry, it carves better than anything I've found.

 I roasted some pork yesterday and while chopping up whatever veg I had to throw in the pan with it, it dawned on me to cut up some apples too and throw them in.  We had these tiny yellow beets, past their prime, some onion, carrots, and the apples, and the sweetness of them paired well with the pork.  Again, here is a grainy and poorly shot pic, I really need to get on this ball and set up.  The pork actually came out dry, but there was enough juice on the plate that a piece could suck up some and it all went down okay.

I paired a bottle of "Three Buck Chuck" Merlot with this, as it was purchased at Trader Joe's who are famous for this particular inexpensive yet drinkable wine, which used to be called "Two Buck Chuck".  I feel fine, slept deeply, did not wake up anxious as with too much beer or whiskey, and though red has brought on headaches and misery in the past, this morning I am ready to bounce off the walls. There is a fantastic vision I get on occasion of sipping dry reds out of the bottle whilst creating art in my studio late at night, but these fantasies need to be replaced with more productive realities.  Certainly not a good idea to glamorize drinking anything at this point.  My confession for the day...

And now my almost dying:  Walking back from the studio I was in the crosswalk, with a walk signal, and suddenly this older guy in a silver dodge Dakota comes flying around the corner making a left onto the road I was crossing. He was going fast, and apparently not even looking at the road in front of him, for if I had not jumped aside, that would have been it for me.  At last he saw me, and stopped long enough to show me a started expression, and without apology drove off leaving me there with a solid heartbeat and a shake to my nervous system.

About a half hour later, after getting home and ranting to Aynsley, changing clothes and grabbing our car, I passed through the same intersection going the route the old guy was travelling, and I was thinking to myself how much it would suck if up over the hill I saw flashing lights and low and behold...  One block from my incident at the next intersection there were police cars, ambulance, and fire truck, along with a crowd of people standing around.  I saw a lump of something on the ground.

Passing through, I came to a light and dialed Aynsley, telling her the news and she said I should go back and mentioned what just happened to me.  One minute later I was back at the scene but all that remained was a guy about my age standing there.  The last two cops were pulling away.  I got out and walked up to the guy asking what happened and he mentioned he got hit. I asked if it was an older guy in a silver truck and he said no, it was a girl in a car, then he reenacted the event, I did the same for mine, we shook hands and stood in solidarity for the pedestrians of the world.  In his case, he was actually hit, and she took off.  Thankfully he got her plate!

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